Four Little Birds – (day 4)


Lori Titus   

     Chloe fantasized about killing herself. There were so many ways that she could do it.  Any  number of household items would do the trick nicely.  Six years earlier, when she was seventeen years old, she’d attempted suicide . Despite the pain and the blood loss, the cut she made across her wrist was too shallow to kill her. Now, she knew better, knew just how to make the cut that would open her artery.

    Standing alone in the kitchen, she took a knife from the cabinet and held it up to the light. She could see her reflection in the blade. For a moment, she thought of fairy tales, the stories she read as a child. Swords and daggers were always the key to some great mystery, the symbol of faith and sacrifice.

     Chloe blinked. She h (Read More)

Up North – (day 4)


 Tony Noland

            Mitch pulled back the cuff of his glove to check his watch; stinging cold air snaked up his sleeve as he held his wrist up long enough for the compass to get a bearing. After keeping it motionless and level for the manufacturer’s recommended fifteen seconds, he brought it down and peered at it. After a moment, he stripped off his right-hand glove so he could push the illuminator button. South by south-west.

            He put his glove back on and shifted the rifle slung across his back. There was no need to read the watch’s built-in ther (Read More)